
Taking the PAIN out of healthcare

MyDOC Vault

MyDOC is a secure cloud vault for storing and sharing your medical records using your cell phone or computer. Multiple layers of security ensure encryption for records as they are transferred and stored with full compliance with HIPAA regulations. You, the patient, control who gets access to your records, finding the fine line for security but availability. Vault bridges the communication gap between different systems and providers.


person about to pick medicine from medicine organizer

Having an up-to-date medication list helps healthcare providers give safe care because they will know what medications and/or treatments they can safely administer without causing potentially harmful interactions or outcomes.

Labs, Radiology, Cardio, and Procedure Results

human X-ray result chart
A close up of a medical paper with a graph on it

Provide a baseline. If new tests must be done, they can compare with earlier tests to see what has changed.

Prevent duplicates. One of the worst offenders in the increasing cost of healthcare is repeated tests just because of poor communication.

brown wooden door with brass door knob

Patient Information

  • Demographics
  • Caregivers
  • Emergency Contacts
  • Insurance Information
  • Pharmacy name & location
  • Allergies
  • Family History
  • Social History
  • Surgical History
  • Medical History (diagnosis’)

Vital Signs (coming soon!)

A Person Measuring His Own Blood Pressure Using a Wrist Blood Pressure Meter

Share your records with specialists, caregivers, and hospital staff…

QR Code: Edit or View

Access to your records is granted easily.
And YOU, the PATIENT are in control.


Coming early 2025

A Female Doctor Having a Video Call


Quick access to medical care without the ER

Mobile App!

Take the next step in your Health journey!!

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